Dating Don’ts

{July 30, 2010}   A few of his closest friends

So I just got an evite to the surprise birthday party of douche-y pretty boy. From his fiancee. To be clear, this was very unexpected: I was pissed about how he broke things off and I haven’t seen him in over a year.

So I laughed at the invitation and mused that his fiancee must have gone through his address book and invited everyone in sight.

Then I visited the evite, which claimed the party is for “a few of his closest friends.” I smirked and looked at the guest list.

44 people. WTF? I made the top 50?

{July 26, 2010}   The efficacious mermaid


When I was on Martha’s Vineyard painting on the beach a mermaid came a shore and looked identical to you, you know enchanting,efficacious. 🙂 _Neil

{July 6, 2010}   Small world

My very first boyfriend, G., invited me to a 4th-of-July barbecue. Hoping it wouldn’t be weird, I brought T. along.

The door swung open and T. and G., whom I presumed to be strangers, greeted each other with man-hugs and nicknames.

Apparently they’ve worked together for a few years 😛

et cetera