Dating Don’ts

{October 8, 2011}   Swoon

So, things with T are really great. The other day over dinner, he made this admission:

Him: So, I tried to get you a date, but it didn’t work out.

Me: Huh?

Him: I know you have a total nerdcrush on Erin McKean. So I was reading up on her, saw that she works on Wordnik in San Mateo, and asked her out to lunch for you.

Me: Oh. Wow.

Him: But she said no.

Me: Wellllll, that makes sense. I mean, she lives in Chicago and everything. But wow. That would have been so amazing. Seriously amazing. That’s, like, a proposal-level stunt. ::pause:: But you know, you couldn’t just spring that on me! I’d, like, need to do homework first!

Him: Oh, I know! That’s why I’m telling you now–in case she ever changes her mind.

So Erin McKean, if I ever see you (in your tetris dress?), I’ll start looking around desperately for T., my family, and all the other makings of a proposal scene 😉

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